Korean Media in 2020

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Proposition 15 Coverage

7/3 Korea Times, Page 6: Is “Affirmative Action” (Preferential Treatment to Minorities in College Admissions) Being Revived? Big Interest from Korean Parents
Article covering all 12 propositions. Headline addresses Prop 16, but Prop 15 and 21 are mentioned in the subheader. Prop 15’s description describes the mechanics of the property tax component and says that “Prop 13 originally passed because residents didn’t like that their taxes were being used in other school districts”. Mentions “schools and local government” as the yes message. Mentions “economic organizations” as opposition.

8/7 Korea Daily, Health Subsection: Commercial Property Tax Increase Fight Spills Over to Court Lawsuit
About Yes on 15 winning a suit that demanded changes to the ballot measure description, which misleads voters to think that it could raise residential taxes

8/17 Korea Times, Page 3: Controversy around Commercial Property Tax Increase
Describes the measure correctly, and shows Commercial Property Owners and Economic Organizations on the No side with their arguments (“bad for business, bad for jobs”) and the LA Times on the Yes side, and sums up the LA Times position as “prop 13 destroyed the tax base, and needs to be filled to cover funds”. The reason it lists the LA Times as the Yes side is because the entire article is a rehash of the LA Times Editorial (is it this one?) in support that ran the previous day.

9/10 Korea Daily Page 5: Will Property Tax Increase Pass? Prop 15 Support on the Rise
It’s a small, unsigned article that summarizes a blog entry in the website “Labor Notes” showing that the California Labor Federation decided to endorse Prop 15. Because Labor Notes is its sole source, the article is pretty positive. It quotes a PPIC poll showing 53% support.

9/23 Korea Daily: Rising concerns that a faltering business climate will worsen under Prop 15

발의안15…열악한 비즈니스 환경 더 악화 우려

  • Does cover the technical details of taxation and that it would be used for education
  • Argues that corporations are already moving out of California due to too much regulation and taxes
  • “The LA County Assessor’s Office is expecting tremendous transition pains, wrongful implementations, and lawsuits with business owners”
  • Argues that supporters want “big government”
  • Argues that “surgical, time-constrained taxation” would be a more sensible alternative, “if it is indeed true that education needs funding”


OCCET/Ahri Center “Make a Plan”
OC Registrar “Avoid the lines. Mark your ballots from home”
LA Registrar “Vote Today”
OCCET Action/Ahri for Justice “Yes on Prop 15 to support schools, Korean community, and small businesses”
CTA “California Educators Support Prop 15 and Vote Yes”
Realtors “Vote No on 21”
DCCC Ad “Republicans closed our businesses, and then they criticized us”
Eric Early Ad “Proven, New Leader”
“Vote for Fred Jung”
Nithya Raman “We can do”
Tammy Kim/Farrah Khan “Our Vote, Our Voice”
Phat Bui “Garden Grove Mayoral Candidate”

Other Coverage

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아시아계 유권자 과반이 바이든 지지

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[선택 2020 D-28] 한국일보가 공식 지지합니다

“Resurrection of Affirmative Action hangs on the November elections”
소수계 우대정책 부활 11월 선거서 판가름

California Property Tax “1978 Regime” Could Change
가주 재산세 ‘1978년 체제’ 바뀔 수 있다

“Proposition 21 – overlapping regulation that runs counter to economic logic”
발의안21…경제 논리에도 맞지 않는 중복규제

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UC “소수계 우대정책 NO”…주민발의안16 통과 무관

발의안16…대입·취업은 기회균등·능력주의가 답이다