Our Values

Our Values

We believe that an AAPI-Latinx-Labor-Enviro Alliance is the central core strategy that will lead to Orange County’s progressive transformation in base building, governance, and beyond.

True Democracy

We believe in an Orange County that strengthens our democracy for all community members in Orange County and believe in breaking the existing barriers of disenfranchisement.

Just Transition / Recovery

We believe in a framework of intersectional economic justice that fights to advance the basic rights of all workers in Orange County and recognizes the mutually interdependent healthy economies that are not extractive and / or exploitative, recognizing the need for interdependence of global labor both in and out of Orange County.

We believe that Orange County must undergo a true Just Transition, shifting towards a renewable economy that is rooted in local community priorities and climate justice rather than an extractive economy.

Housing is
a Human Right

We believe that housing is a human right in Orange County and that everyone deserves decent and affordable housing without the threat of displacement or incarceration.

Transformation of
Public Education

We believe that public education should be founded in the liberation of people. We believe in dismantling the school to prison pipeline and replacing punitive procedures with transformative practice. We believe in exponential funding of public schools that can and will ensure that every student can meet their highest purpose. 

Immigrant Justice

We believe that Orange County can be the regional example of building thriving immigrant lives, including dismantling and eliminating the threats of criminalization and deportation of our communities.

Healthy and
Thriving Lives

We believe that healthcare is a human right and a public good for all in Orange County. We believe that healthcare must address both systemic inequities of individual health, the mental health of all individuals surviving trauma and oppression.